Gord's Climbing Page
Neve Image (32k)

That's me, Gordon Schryer, looking back in awe at the Sharkfin and it's Eastern Crevasses and Ice-fall on the Garibaldi Neve Traverse. We traveled through that pile in TOTAL white-out... I'm still dumb-founded today!

I'm 34 and have been hiking, climbing and ski mountaineering for over half my life. I am quite committed to it now. I completed the Seattle Mountaineer's Basic Climbing course in 1998. I began the Intermediate Climbing course as well as the Ski-Mountaineering course in 1999. I graduated the intermediate course in Summer of 2000 and became a climb leader with the club in December 2000. Then I fell on my head!

Feel free to ask questions.... I might answer them!

A Climbing Guide:

Y2K3/4 Trip Reports and Pics:

Talk about a slow year... This is the year of "How to get FAT and out of shape!"

3/18/2005: It's time to start thinking about selling my Rack!
I remember reading a story about a guy who sold his rack only to regret it gravely a couple years later.
I think it is a diservice to my rack to not let those shiny pieces satisfy their existence.
I'll post a spreadsheet of items soon.

Y2K2 Trip Reports and Pics:

Another slow year, but this time it was cut short.... you should see what my climbing plans for the year looked like before the fall!

Y2K1 Trip Reports and Pics:

The year of the Volcanos

Y2K Trip Reports and Pics:

1999 Trip Reports and Pics:

Yes, I've spent most of the early season climbing rock... Anxious for Alpine!

1998 Trip Reports and Pics:

Rock Climbing Areas:

So far, my experience in each area ranges from a brief look, to relatively light dabbling. I expect to become significantly more acquainted with the areas closer to home, no doubt.

YTD Hiking, Alpine Climbing and Scrambling Stats:

(Not likely to be up to date.)

Year Trips Days Out RT Dist. (mi) Elev. Gain (ft)
1991 4 6 48 14400
1992 10 16 87 28500
1993 3 4 28 7000
1994 2 3 20 5000
1995 6 7 47 14200
1996 8 8 79 21700
1997 13 19 132 36700
1998 30 46 270 100700
1999 32 45 273 116200
2000 34 52 326 127800
1991-1996: Though my memories have me believing I was an experienced outdoor-type, mountaineer-wannabe, the numbers don't show it. I guess 1992 was the climax of my early mountaineering days. Though the number of trips is quite limited, looking back on them, they were often significant. In the middle years, my main climbing partner, Neil, and I got busy with work and our climbing opportunities suffered. I was also playing far too much Ice hockey, my other passion, in both summer and winter leagues.
I moved to Seattle and joined the Mountaineers in 1997... Can you see a difference? The first year with the mounties, Tracy and I were relegated to hikes only, since we could not participate in scrambles or climbs without completing the basic climbing course. Times have changed.

*Disclaimer--this web site has been created by a non-professional climber and is intended solely for the purpose of entertainment. Any information or opinion expressed on this site is subject to error. Using the information presented on this site could get you hurt or killed. You are ultimately responsible for your own safety, and you bear the responsibility to accurately assess and to appropriately use any information presented on this site. In simple English: don't blame me for any trouble you get yourself into.

Last updated: Mar 18, 2005
Copyright © 1998-2005 Gordon Schryer.
E-mail: gschryer@comcast.net.