Party: A large party of mountaineers, 9 people in all, headed for Mt. Daniel via the Lynch Glacier. The party was lead by Mark Sandler with Rod and Ken as rope leaders. The basic course students were, John Noren, Rob ,Angela Coyle, Aaron Rubenson, Tracy and I.
Here's a look at the humongous party on the departure point from the PCT.
Tracy and I overlooking the glacial cirque below Lynch Gap and Daniel Glacier
A perfect camp!!!
While at camp we had some time to enjoy the spectacular surroundings:
Aaron, Tracy and Angela brew dinner while a mist envelopes the summit beyond.
Aaron celebrates the coming sunset.
A sunset view to the East, with Mt. Stuart as the dominant peak and Hyas lakes below.
The climb from camp was a liesurely 2 hrs! another worthwhile point given the brutal approach.
The morning start on frozen, Peasoup Lake... glad to be roped up! |
![]() Looking down Lynch glacier to Peasoup Lake and Glacier peak through the gap. |
The last stretch up the summit ridge.
I also went for a solo jaunt up the east peak (a rubble pile). We headed down the Daniel glacier to camp with roped sitting glissades. The haul back down the alternate route was just as brutal with a couple near accidents. The talus slopes we went down seemed considerably looser than on the way up. The routefinding across the bog back to the Hyas lake trail was a comedy of leadership. Fortunately a couple of us were concerned about making sure the stragglers found their way back, whilst 2 of 3 leaders forged blindly through the bush in different directions....
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