Party: Mountaineers - Basic Rock. Leader Dennis Mosolf, Rope Leaders: Shasha ? and I. Basic Students: Izette, Joe and Rob.
Weather: Awesome. Another great September weekend.
Starting at the Hope Lake trailhead, you climb steeply up to Hope lake, and then continue South-West on the Pacific Crest trail to Trap Pass. The pacific crest trail gently traverses up to the pass with a far more enjoyable alpine setting and supporting views. Though the distance is a little longer (1/2 mile maybe), it is well worth it. You arrive at the base of the climb in relative cardiac comfort. Highly recommended!
Along the pacific crest trail, you get an awesome view of the Slippery
Slab Tower. In fact, its an intimidating view. I had heard derogatory stories
regarding this climb... short, ugly, easy, 4th class at best, not worth
doing. Well the view alone changed my preconceived impresions. Regardless
of what the climbing would be like, it is an impressive objective. I dont
think the Surprise lake approach properly instills this view in one's mind.
One climb description (Basic climbs guide) claims that you climb up a gulley to a treed ledge in which some students may need a belay or hand line. Is this the first pitch? I wouldn't count it as a pitch. There is a 10 foot class 4 section that isn't really exposed, a spotter is all that may be required for an inexperienced climber. The problem is, that the guide then claims that you have two pitches of climbing, the first pitch being a full rope length to a tree belwy, the second pitch being a short 10 foot section before easying up to a walk to the summit. Well, you can do both of these "pitches" in a single rope length (careful of rope drag). The next confussing point was in the form of gear beta from a friend who claimed that you dont need any pro for the first pitch, but you will want some for the second. (Clearly down-playing the main middle-top pitch, and counting the gulley as a pitch).
Whatever. here's my take on the whole climb....
Scramble up the gulley, providing a spot for inexperienced climbers
at the 10 foot class 4 section. Set-up a belay on the ledge off any bomber
tree. The real climbing starts here... and it is real climbing in mountaineering
boots! No class 4 mumbo-jumbo. The crux of the pitch was felt by everyone,
leaders and followers. It is a steep slab dihedral with a finger crack
in the corner. There are a couple horizontal cracks for the feet, but they
feel thin in boots. From the dihedral, everyone agreed that you want to
work your way left, around the outside corner of the dihedral onto exposed,
dirty, blocky, sloping terrain. Ok, its not too bad, but its not class
4, and in mountaineering boots it feels like solid 5.4+. Really, how many
5.4 finger cracks with thin feet have you seen?. The rest of the climb
is easy, complicated only by the loose dirt on the sloping slabby rock...
slippery slab, no? If you manage to get to the belay tree without much
rope drag, you might as well finish the last 10 feet to the top. (even
with a 50m rope). There are big blocky rocks to make a solid belay anchor
We had great weather, and therefore great views from the top. Since we were a party of 7, our final rope team had three people. They took a while longer getting up to the summit, so we had quite a liesurely time there, at least 1 hour for some of us. If the weather had been foul, it would have been downright uncomfortable.
The walk back was just as enjoyable. I was unable to convince anyone else in the party that a dip in Trap lake was a worthwhile side trip. Realizing that I had no company, I ran off ahead of everyone to get a swim in for myslef. The water was really nice. I was able to walk in to a rock quite comfortably and then take one dive from the rock without too much mental delay.... perhaps the desire to not get too far behind everyone hurried me along, but either way, I got in with ease. The water was great. A short little paddle around, and I was back on the sandy beach and the grassy "lawn," clothes back on, feet dried off and then I had to bust my but trying to catch up with everyone. By the time I caught up to the back of our line, I questioned the value of the cool-off.
Nah, a mountain lake is always worth a dip.